Sunday, October 18, 2015

Sweet Dwarka Lila Of Krishna -Vishwarup Prabhu 2015 10 16 SB 10 69 38 ISKCON Chowpatty

Sweet Dwarka Lila Of Krishna -Vishwarup Prabhu 2015 10 16 SB 10 69 38 ISKCON Chowpatty SB 10.69.38 vidāma yoga-māyās te  durdarśā api māyinām yogeśvarātman nirbhātā  bhavat-pāda-niṣevayā Word for word: vidāma — we know; yoga-māyāḥ — the mystic potencies; te — Your; durdarśāḥ — impossible to see; api — even; māyinām — for great mystics; yoga-īśvara — O Lord of all mystic power; ātman — O Supreme Soul; nirbhātāḥ — perceived; bhavat — Your; pāda — to the feet; niṣevayā — by service. Translation: [Nārada said:] Now we understand Your mystic potencies, which are difficult to comprehend, even for great mystics, O Supreme Soul, master of all mystic power. Only by serving Your feet have I been able to perceive Your powers. Purport: According to the ācāryas, this verse indicates that even great mystics like Lord Brahmā and Lord Śiva cannot fully comprehend the mystic power of the Supreme Lord.

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