Saturday, November 21, 2015

Everything About Krishna Is As Fascinating As Superhit Movie Shyamsundar

Everything About Krishna Is As Fascinating As Superhit Movie Shyamsundar SB 10.70.43 śravaṇāt kīrtanād dhyānāt  pūyante ’nte-vasāyinaḥ tava brahma-mayasyeśa  kim utekṣābhimarśinaḥ Word for word: śravaṇāt — from hearing; kīrtanāt — chanting; dhyānāt — and meditating; pūyante — become purified; ante-vasāyinaḥ — outcastes; tava — about You; brahma-mayasya — the full manifestation of the Absolute Truth; īśa — O Lord; kim uta — what then to speak of; īkṣā — those who see; abhimarśinaḥ — and touch. Translation: O Lord, even outcastes are purified by hearing and chanting Your glories and meditating upon You, the Absolute Truth. What then to speak of those who see and touch You? Purport: Śrīla Śrīdhara Svāmī interprets the word brahma-mayasya to mean brahma-ghana-mūrteḥ, “of the concentrated form of the Absolute Truth.”

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