Thursday, November 19, 2015

Success In KC Is To Have Strong Relationship With Krishna And His Devotees

Success In KC Is To Have Strong Relationship With Krishna And His Devotees Success In KC Is To Have Strong Relationship With Krishna And His Devotees-Krishna Naam Prabhu SB 10.70.4 athāpy āśrāvaye brahma  nara-loka-viḍambanam rājñaḥ paitṛ-ṣvasreyasya  bhaktasya ca cikīrṣitam Word for word: atha api — nonetheless; āśrāvaye — I shall tell; brahma — O Supreme Truth; nara-loka — of human society; viḍambanam — (to You) who imitate; rājñaḥ — of the King (Yudhiṣṭhira); paitṛ — of Your father; svasreyasya — of the sister’s son; bhaktasya — Your devotee; ca — and; cikīrṣitam — the intentions. Translation: Nonetheless, O Supreme Truth playing the part of a human being, I shall tell You what Your devotee Yudhiṣṭhira Mahārāja, the son of Your father’s sister, intends to do.

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