Friday, December 18, 2015

Being Krishna Concious Means Being Cultured -Dwarkadhish Prabhu 2015 12 17 SB 10 71 41-45 ISKC

SB 10.71.41-42 śvaśṛvā sañcoditā kṛṣṇā  kṛṣṇa-patnīś ca sarvaśaḥ ānarca rukmiṇīṁ satyāṁ  bhadrāṁ jāmbavatīṁ tathā kālindīṁ mitravindāṁ ca  śaibyāṁ nāgnajitīṁ satīm anyāś cābhyāgatā yās tu  vāsaḥ-sraṅ-maṇḍanādibhiḥ Word for word: śvaśrvā — by her mother-in-law (Kuntī); sañcoditā — encouraged; kṛṣṇā — Draupadī; kṛṣṇa-patnīḥ — Kṛṣṇa’s wives; ca — and; sarvaśaḥ — all of them; ānarca — she worshiped; rukmiṇīm — Rukmiṇī; satyām — Satyabhāmā; bhadrām jāmbavatīm — Bhadrā and Jāmbavatī; tathā — also; kālindīm mitravindām ca — Kālindī and Mitravindā; śaibyām — the descendant of King Śibi; nāgnajitīm — Nāgnajitī; satīm — chaste; anyāḥ — others; ca — as well; abhyāgatāḥ — those who had come there; yāḥ — who; tu — and; vāsaḥ — with clothing; srak — flower garlands; maṇḍana — jewelry; ādibhiḥ — and so on. Translation: Encouraged by her mother-in-law, Draupadī worshiped all of Lord Kṛṣṇa’s wives, including Rukmiṇī; Satyabhāmā; Bhadrā; Jāmbavatī; Kālindī; Mitravindā, the descendant of Śibi; the chaste Nāgnajitī; and the other queens of the Lord who were present. Draupadī honored them all with such gifts as clothing, flower garlands and jewelry.

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