Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Science Of Controlling Krishna-Dayanidhi Prabhu 2015 12 24 SB 10 72 08 10 ISKCON Chowpatt

SB 10.72.8 ṛṣīṇāṁ pitṛ-devānāṁ  suhṛdām api naḥ prabho sarveṣām api bhūtānām  īpsitaḥ kratu-rāḍ ayam Word for word: ṛṣīṇām — for the sages; pitṛ — departed forefathers; devānām — and demigods; suhṛdām — for the friends; api — also; naḥ — our; prabhoḥ — master; sarveṣām — for all; api — as well; bhūtānām — living beings; īpsitaḥ — desirable; kratu — of major Vedic sacrifices; rāṭ — king; ayam — this. Translation: Indeed, My lord, for the great sages, the forefathers and the demigods, for Our well-wishing friends and, indeed, for all living beings, the performance of this king of Vedic sacrifices is desirable.

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