News - Lord Jagannath Rath yatra festival in Karnal, Haryana
Lord Jagannath Rath yatra festival in Karnal, Haryana Lord Sri Sri Jagannath, Baladev and subhadra devi came out on to the streets in Karnal on 12th May 2016 to shower the people with their profuse blessings. Their Lordships passed through the main market area in full splendour and gave their Darsan to thousands of people. All the devotees and locals from all spheres of life got a chance to come together and serve the Lord to their hearts content. Their Lordship were fed with sumptuous 56 bhoga (chappan Bhoga) offering. The chief guests Sri Amarendra Singh (OSD, CM Haryana), Srimati Renu Bala Gupta (Mayor, Karnal) and Sri Sher Singh (Dist. Jail Supdt.) offered arati to the Lord and spoke few words of appreciation. Vedic hymns were chanted, counchshells blown, coconuts bursted and the Ratha was on its way. It crossed over the beautiful Rangoli decorations designed by mataji’s group. Ecstatic kirtan sounded on all sides creating an atmosphere making everyone present to dance in ecstacy. The yatra concluded with Lord Jagannaths arti, and a sumptuous bhandara (full prasadam) was served which was honoured by a thousand people. #laxmi