Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Cultivating Attitude of Caring-Navin Nirad Prabhu 2016 08 02 SB 10 84 31 33 ISKCON Chowpatty

2016 08 02 SB 10 84 31 33 Cultivating Attitude of Caring-Navin Nirad Prabhu ISKCON Chowpatty SB 10.83.31 evaṁ vṛte bhagavati  mayeśe nṛpa-yūthapāḥ na sehire yājñaseni  spardhanto hṛc-chayāturāḥ Word for word: evam — thus; vṛte — being chosen; bhagavati — the Personality of Godhead; mayā — by me; īśe — the Lord; nṛpa — of kings; yūtha-pāḥ — the leaders; na sehire — could not tolerate it; yājñaseni — O Draupadī; spardhantaḥ — becoming quarrelsome; hṛt-śaya — by lust; āturāḥ — distressed. Translation: The leading kings there could not tolerate my having chosen the Supreme Personality of Godhead, O Draupadī. Burning with lust, they became quarrelsome. Purport: Śrīla Śrīdhara Svāmī comments that the contamination of lust led the kings to quarrel foolishly with the Lord even after seeing His supreme power.

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