Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Bhagavata Vidayalaya: An introduction

With the intention of serving the mood and mission of Srila Prabhupada, a humble attempt is made to open a Bhagavata School in each area. This certified course, exclusively based on Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, is essentially for the congregational devotees. It can be conducted anywhere, in temples, farm communities, places of congregational gathering or at houses of congregational devotees. Those leaders who are willing to open a Bhagavata school can register with us on the following link: Features of Bhagavata Vidyalaya 1. A weekly program mainly lead by the congregational leaders for their congregation members. 2. It would be a three-hour session which includes Kirtan, Reading, Lecture and Question / Answers 3. In each session one chapter of Srimad Bhagavatam will be covered. 4. A maximum of 15 students per session is advised. 5. Each session will be conducted by two to three teachers. 6. Students Handbook and Appropriate Teachers notes will be provided. 7. There will be a Bhagavata Festival after completion of each level. 8. Students will get encouragement for writing articles and giving lectures. 9. This program is free of cost.

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