Friday, April 7, 2017

Ask a Hare Krsna Episode 05 (Answers By Pancharatna Das)

Speaker Intro: Pancharatna Prabhu joined The International Society for Krishna Consciousness in Toronto, Canada as a Brahmacari in 1970. He was initiated by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder acharya of ISKCON in New York in 1971. He served ISKCON New York in various capacities until 1976 after which he moved to Sri Mayapur Dham which is located in West Bengal,India. In Mayapur, he accepted many responsibilities including building construction and establishing the Bengali language division of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, the world's largest publisher of vaishnava scriptures. Pancharatna Prabhu currently serves ISKCON's Governing Body Commission in various capacities including director of ISKCON Online, Chairman of the Outreach Strategic Planning committee, Member of the ISKCON's 50th anniversary and facilitator of ISKCON's Constitution committee. Questions answered in this episode: 1. Today the biggest situation in society is unemployment. There are so many issues pertaining to jobs, getting employed after education we come into employment stage and that is the point where we are struggling to get proper employment. We also see people who are stressed out in their own existing job and they don't want to leave the job because they feel that getting a new job will be difficult and because getting a new job will be difficult they stressed themselves, they trouble themselves and continue working at a same plac, with so much-so much of anxiety of finding a new job surviving in the existing job, how can we maintain our spiritual practices? (Asked by Rakesh from Delhi, India at 01:35 min) 2. I am coming from traditional gujarati family and I have a seen since my childhood my mother and other ladies of the house performing various rituals like 16 Monday fasting for Lord Shiva, circumambulating peepal tree and tying threads etc and various other rituals seen throughout various parts of India so it was my question since childhood what can be it justifies as it should be categorized in faith or blind faith ? It's very confusing please help me with this doubt what is the difference between faith and blind faith? (Asked by Archana from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India at 05:44 min) 3. Can pursuing a material talents help us in a Spiritual Life? (Asked by Rajgopal from Shimla, H.P., India at 11:25 min) 4. Many people are suffering in this world according to their karma but is it fair to be punished for the past karma without being told what that karma was? (Asked by Sunita from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India at 13:41 min) 5. I can't do my spiritual practices properly because I'm married and I have to do so many work at home and in office so not getting time for my spiritual practices. So how to maintain and balance my material and spiritual life? (Asked by Rekha from Madhya Pradesh, India at 18:25 min) 6. My question is related to youth now a days, we see the youth are more or less guided by the media in the form of Films or through TV. Boys and girls take this relationship as love but many of this relationships are infect guided by lust and end up in heart breaks and depression. My question is if lust is cause of so much kayos in the world among the youth so how should we overcome this lust? Do you have any idea to overcome lust? (Asked by Harish from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India at 21:44 min) 7. I am a housewife, I am staying in a joint family and I'm a mother of 2yrs old. My full time goes in the serving of family day and night. I have interest in practicing spirituality but the time limit doesn't permit me so it's very difficult to me to practice spirituality. can you please help me? (Asked by Deepali from Satara, Maharashtra, India at 26:59 min) If you have any spiritual questions then kindly send your questions as audio or video clips by whatsapp to +91 9987060606 or by email to To get the answers to more of your questions please click on below link and watch Ask a Hare Krsna series: Stay Connected Website: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Pinterest : Soundcloud : If you liked this video, please subscribe to our YouTube channel:

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