Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Ask a Hare Krsna Episode 16 (Answers by Krishna Chandra Das)

Speaker Intro: Krishna Chandra Prabhu was born within the Hare Krsna movement. From the age of 15 to 18years, Krishna Chandra Prabhu was serving as a book distributor in his hometown in Brazil. In the year 2010, he moved to Mayapur, West Bengal, India to join Bhaktivedanta Gurukula & he is studying there since then. Later in the year 2012 Krishna Chandra Prabhu got initiated on Gaura Purnima festival in Mayapur by His Holiness Bhakti Dhira Damodara Swami Maharaj, a very senior & first Sannyasa disciple of His Holiness Bhakti Tirtha Swami Maharaj who is a very dearest disciple of Srila Prabhupada, the founder-acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) Krishna Chandra Prabhu has completed the Cakshu Shastra, a 3-year course based on the deep study of Srimad Bhagavad Gita & Caitanya Sikshamrita. He is also pursuing Darshan Cakshu a 12-year course which includes detailed & scrutinizing study of Srimad Bhagavatam, Bramha Samhita & Laghu Bhagavatamrita. Apart from that he also holds a degree in Bhakti Shashtri. Currently, he is serving as a personal servant of His Holiness Bhakti Vidya Purna Maharaj who is also a very senior disciple of Srila Prabhupada, who is heading the Bhaktivedanta Gurukula in Mayapur. Questions answered in this episode: 1. What is Diksha? How can one take Diksha? What are the rules we have to follow after taking Diksha? (Asked by Kratika Jain from Jaipur, Rajasthan, India at 02:07 min) 2. Which element of a Spiritual Person is closest to the God - Mind, Heart, Soul or none of this? Please specify why you select a certain category. (Asked by Radhika from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India at 07:23 min) 3. How to dispose of the old clothes and old belongings? I heard that Karma transfer takes place if we giving our old clothes to a maid or poor people. Please suggest. (Asked by Vinita from Faridabad, Haryana, India at 12:02 min) 4. When we put Tilak we see that the part of the Tilak are the two Lotus feet of the Lord and another part is the Tulsi. My question is why lord himself put the Tilak if the two lines show the Lotus feet of the Lord then what is the need of Lord to put the Tilak? (Asked by Aman from Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India at 15:20 min) . 5. How will be engaged throughout the day in Krishna Consciousness? Please explain. (Asked by Pratibhan from Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India at 18:22 min) If you have any spiritual questions then kindly send your questions as audio or video clips by WhatsApp to +91 9987060606 or by email to askhktv@gmail.com To get the answers to more of your questions please click on below link and watch Ask a Hare Krsna series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhtmKWc6vRTCvEzlh5E8ZfDhDzpxumu9F LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** Website : http://ift.tt/1oJekp9 ** Facebook : http://ift.tt/2iTcKJw ** Twitter : https://twitter.com/idtsevaks ** Soundcloud : http://ift.tt/2jNc3A3 ** Donate : http://ift.tt/2tqvoKG __ ISKCON Desire Tree started in year 2002 ,With purpose of spreading Krishna Consciousness movement Worldwide which is now grown as online community devoted to give a warm and friendly environment for all people interested in spirituality, compassion, meditation and wisdom. On Janmashtami 2016, ISKCON Desire Tree launched a dedicated 24x7 television channel "Hare Krsna TV". You can watch "HARE KRSNA TV" on your computer screen at http://ift.tt/2npXKa1

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