Life Of Devotee - Shri C. R. Seshadri (Shyam Chandra Das) - M.Sc, MBA
Shri C R Seshadri is presently working as President ( Global Sales & Mktg) at Metal Power, Mumbai. With around 3 decades of professional experience & with excessive global travels, he still finds time to cultivate spirituality within himself and his family. He uses the principles & teachings of Bhagvad-Gita in his professional dealings & in personality development. He credits his spiritual growth to his spiritual master His Holiness Bhaktisvarupa Damodar Swami (Dr T D Singh) whose is a saint & scientist with utmost humility. He is ever indepted to his sister Jayanti Chavan (Jagan Mohini Devi Dasi) for connecting him to his spiritual master. LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** Website : ** Facebook : ** Twitter : ** Soundcloud : ** Donate : __ ISKCON Desire Tree started in year 2002 ,With purpose of spreading Krishna Consciousness movement Worldwide which is now grown as online community devoted to give a warm and friendly environment for all people interested in spirituality, compassion, meditation and wisdom. On Janmashtami 2016, ISKCON Desire Tree launched a dedicated 24x7 television channel "Hare Krsna TV". You can watch "HARE KRSNA TV" on your computer screen at