Dr. Vivek Bindra | मेरी सफलता का राज़ | Glories of Srimad Bhagavatam
#vivekbindra #GloriesofSrimadBhagavatam #bhadrapurnima #srimadbhagavatam Dr. Vivek Bindra attributes his success to the "Srimad Bhagavatam " which he urges his audience and viewers to look at as a life conducting manual and not as a spiritual, religious or a holy book. He further urges his audience to follow the instructions contained within the "Srimad Bhagavatam " and follow them in their daily lives for unprecedented success and perpetual happiness in life. Like👍 | Comment👇 | Share👫 | Subscribe👈 Watch 24x7 free to air satellite television channel "Hare Krsna TV" on your Television set/ Mobile/ Tablet / Laptop /PC on https://ift.tt/3kRJpxb Disclaimer: https://ift.tt/347lEet ________________________________________________ ** Donate: https://ift.tt/2tqvoKG ** Join Whatsapp groups: https://ift.tt/2EaJ5J1 ** Website : https://ift.tt/1oJekp9 ** Facebook : https://ift.tt/2iTcKJw ** Twitter : https://twitter.com/idtsevaks ______________________________________________