अपनी रूचि को भक्तिमय कैसे बनायें | Spiritual Journey Of Grammy Nominee Gaura Mani Devi Ji
#ISKCONTalkshow #spirituality #HareKrsnaTV #iskconlive #Spirituality #spiritualJourney #GrammyAward #Gauramanidevi Hare Krishna !!! आज हमारे साथ "एक मुलाकात - Krishna Bhakta के साथ" शो पर हमारे विशेष अतिथि है Gaura Mani Devi Ji, Talk Show hosted by Biplove Sharma. ********About Gaura Mani Devi JI ****************** अमेरिका में जन्मी, गौर मणि देवी जी भागवत प्रचारक हैं और अपने कीर्तन के लिए संगीत पुरस्कारों के लिए विश्व प्रसिद्ध ग्रैमी अवार्ड्स के लिए मनोनीत भी हुयी हैं। शिकागो के हरे कृष्ण मंदिर में जन्म लेने के कारण वे जन्म से ही भगवान कृष्ण के प्रचार में लग गयीं थी। पिछले १२ वर्षों से वे अमेरिका, कनाडा, ऑस्ट्रेलिया, दुबई और भारत में भ्रमण करते हुए प्रचार कर रही हैं। फेसबुक पर उनके २ करोड़ फॉलोवर्स हैं तथा उनके कीर्तन वीडियो को ४५ करोड़ से भी अधिक लोगों ने देखा है। Gaura Mani Devi Ji is an American Born Bhagavat Preacher and Grammy Nominated Harinam Sankirtan Singer. Born in a Hare Krishna Temple in Chicago USA she was trained from birth to preach the mission of Lord Caitanya under the guidance of her grand spiritual master His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada and HH Bir Krishna Das Goswami. At age 4 she performed her first grand public Kirtan performance in America. She traveled extensively sharing the divine names of God. She completed her studies at the ISKCON Gurukula and relieved the degree in Theology and Religion. For past 12 years she is travelling the world, with Vrajavadhus Kirtan and her family Shri Pujya Param Das ji Maharaj, Pujya Kanhaiya Lal and Kumari Radhe. They have preached extensively in USA Canada, South America, Australia, Dubai and India, bringing Braj Ras every where they go. She has a reach of over 21 million people on social media, 455 million views on Facebook for her ecstatic kirtan videos. She preaches Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam daily through live discourses and Satsang. She has a reach of over 21 million people on social media, 455 million views on Facebook for her ecstatic kirtan videos. Thousands of Krishna lovers are inspired daily through her motivational teachings and have changed their love to live with the blessings of Krishna’s Holy Names. Watch more videos of "एक मुलाकात - कृष्ण भक्त के साथ" https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhtmKWc6vRTCz0YsPNXDhXFmDcrW3RJzx