Thursday, July 29, 2021

कैसे एक अश्लील लत पर काबू पाए? Part 2 | From Addiction to a Meaningful Life | Sanatana Dharma Prabhu

🔖 Subject: कैसे एक अश्लील लत पर काबू पाए? (From Addiction to a Meaningful Life) 🎙️ Speaker: Sanatana Dharma Prabhu Habits once formed is exceedingly difficult to come out. Illicit sex is one of those habits you get entangled in it give you pleasure which can turn into nightmare for you and others with you. For some people, therefore, the urges could be so strong that, despite all good intentions, there could be some lapses. But one thing is the lapse occurring within the married couple, and quite another thing is the lapse outside marriage. Outside the regular couple the failure is disastrous, both personally and socially, whereas within the regularly constituted couple the damage is contained—but I am still talking of damage, do not misunderstand. 🔹 Our guide HG Sanatana Dharma Das (NIT, Ex. Manager Tata Moters) who is a monk and teacher of Higher Vedic studies and Applied Sciences at ISKCON, A Youth Counselor and spiritual mentor. Click below link to Watch more videos of "Sidhi Bat Prabhuji Ke Sath" by Sanatana Dharma Das #HarekrsnaTV #addiction #recovery #love #addictionrecovery #Illicitsex #pornaddiction

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