Thursday, August 19, 2021

'रील लाइफ' हीरो से बने 'रियल लाइफ' हीरो | Understand The Difference between REAL & REEL Life

Subject: 'रील लाइफ' हीरो से बने 'रियल लाइफ' हीरो (Understand The Difference between REAL & REEL Life) Speaker: Sanatan Dharma Prabhu Real life means working in actual world where we have to face everything really. On the other hand reel life is a filmy life where anything is possible which is the creation of human itself." The deception of a perfect life online." Since the beginning of social media and online sharing, the majority of users have only publicly posted the best and most exciting parts of their life. 🔹 Our guide HG Sanatana Dharma Das (NIT, Ex. Manager Tata Moters) who is a monk and teacher of Higher Vedic studies and Applied Sciences at ISKCON, A Youth Counselor and spiritual mentor. Click below link to Watch more videos of "Sidhi Bat Prabhuji Ke Sath" by Sanatana Dharma Das #HarekrsnaTV #Pandemics #StopMeat #BeVeg #VegDiet #Healthy #Diet

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