TIME MANAGEMENT की वो Strategies जो आप नहीं जानते | The Value of TIME | Sanatan Dharma Prabhu
TIME MANAGEMENT की वो Strategies जो आप नहीं जानते | The Value of TIME | Sanatan Dharma Prabhu 🔖 Topic: समय की बर्बादी को कैसे कम करें ? (Stop Wasting Time) ⏰ 🎙️ Speaker: Sanatana Dharma Prabhu In this age time is very precious and as we do not have enough. Everyone says that they do not have enough time. We have 24 hours in a day. are we utilizing it well? 🔹 Our guide HG Sanatana Dharma Das (NIT, Ex. Manager Tata Moters) who is a monk and teacher of Higher Vedic studies and Applied Sciences at ISKCON, A Youth Counselor and spiritual mentor. Click the below link to Watch more videos of "Sidhi Bat Prabhuji Ke Sath" by Sanatana Dharma Das https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhtmKWc6vRTCK7zoCb9OKYnPjY-Yn9E4c