Krishna से हुआ प्यार अपना देश USA छोड़ Mayapur आ गई, अब करती हैं भारत में Krishna Bhakti का प्रचार
Krishna से हुआ प्यार अपना देश USA छोड़ Mayapur आ गई, अब करती हैं भारत में Krishna Bhakti का प्रचार एक मुलाकात - कृष्ण भक्त के साथ" शो, आपके लिए दुनिया भर के कुछ सबसे प्रेरणादायक लोगों को लाता है। आज के एपिसोड के लिए, हमारे साथ है, USA के Gourangi Gandharvika Devi Dasi 🔷 Gourangi Gandharvika Devi Dasi is a second generation devotee who was born in USA. She was raised in a Krishna conscious family and moved to Sridham Mayapur when she was 7 years old. She recently published her first book 'Becoming Your Devotee' filled with activities and lessons for children of various ages to have fun and develop their faith in Krishna Consciousness. Gourangi is currently pursuing a Bachelors in Primary Education and serves with the Congregational Development Ministry putting together programming and content for young people and parents to be used around the globe. Watch more videos of "Ek Mulakat Krishna Bhakt Ke Sath"