परिवार के दुष्ट/नेगेटिव लोगों से कैसे निपटें Set Boundaries with a toxic/narcissistic family member?
परिवार के दुष्ट/नेगेटिव लोगों से कैसे निपटें Set Boundaries with a toxic/narcissistic family member? 🔖 Subject: 3 Ways to Set Boundaries With Narcissists. 🎙️ Speaker: Namita Purohit 👩🏻 People usually respect our boundaries when we communicate them clearly. It helps us make our life comfortable and have better relationships. But narcissists and toxic people will do everything they can to resist our efforts to set boundaries; they will argue, blame, ignore, manipulate, threaten, or physically hurt us. We can’t prevent people from acting like this, we can still learn to set clear boundaries with them and protect ourselves from abuse. Join Namita Purohit in this episode as she shares all that you need to know about boundaries and how to set them with a narcissist/toxic/emotionally abusive person. 🔹 Namita Purohit is a seasoned life coach. She is also the founder of the EASE Coach Certification School & the EASE Life Coaching Academy. Her coaching approach is based on eastern wisdom and western psychology. She has offered training/coaching at various organizations/ institutions like Amazon, Microsoft, IIT Madras, Starbucks, Expedia, Boeing, Costco, Lufthansa, Indian Army & Navy ,etc across USA, UK, Europe and India!