शक्ति हूं कमजोर नहीं - भारतीय Feminism | Career, Home, Womanhood & You
शक्ति हूं कामजोर नहीं - भारतीय Feminism| Career, Home, Womanhood & You 🔖 Subject: Career, Home, Womanhood & You भारतीय Feminism 🎙️ Speaker: Namita Purohit 👩🏻 Can a woman really do it all? If she is excelling in her career should the household be her responsibility? Can there be a balance between household , career, motherhood and all the roles that come with being a woman? Can western definitions of feminism apply to the Indian context? what is the Bhartiya definition of feminism? When women are shakti themselves then why do they need empowerment? Join Namita Purohit on March 9th, Wed, 8PM to get answers to these and many more questions. 🔹 Namita Purohit is a seasoned life coach. She is also the founder of the EASE Coach Certification School & the EASE Life Coaching Academy. Her coaching approach is based on eastern wisdom and western psychology. She has offered training/coaching at various organizations/ institutions like Amazon, Microsoft, IIT Madras, Starbucks, Expedia, Boeing, Costco, Lufthansa, Indian Army & Navy ,etc across USA, UK, Europe and India! *** वेदा का च्यवनप्राश आर्डर करने के लिए ****** लिंक पर क्लिक करें: https://amzn.to/31bW5cL आप हमारी वेबसाइट पर भी जा सकते हैं: www.vedastory.com और दिए गए नंबर पर संपर्क भी कर सकते हैं: 93246 46128. *** To order Veda Chyawanprash **** Click on the link: https://amzn.to/31bW5cL You can also visit their website: www.vedastory.com And you can also contact on given number: 93246 46128