ISKCON becomes shelter for people midst WAR | 26th Mar 2022 | HKTV NEWS #Shorts
The Ukraine Russia war seems to have no end in sight. On one hand Ukraine is reeling under tremendous destruction caused due the ongoing war, on the other hand, ISKCON farm communities have become safe haven for devotees who have lost their homes and property in the war torn country. Established on the principles of Srila Prabhupada's teachings, there are three huge farm communities in Ukraine along with many set up on smaller scale. These self sufficient farms are the exporters of fruits and other commodities to many European countries. The goshala build here is currently home to around 20 cows and that number is expected to rise to 200 in the future. The last few days have seen many devotees take refuge in these farms and currently close to 130 devotees are sheltered here. Srila Prabhupada had envisioned that it would get gruesome to live in cities in the years to come and self sustaining farms would prove beneficial. And this is proving to be true. In this temporary material world, only devotees of the Lord, the cows and The Holy Names are everlasting and eternal. #HarekrsnaTVNews #HareKrsnaTV #Shorts #ISKCON #LatestNews #News #NewsToday Like👍 | Comment👇 | Share👫 | Subscribe👈 ______________________________________________ Watch 24x7 free to air satellite television channel "Hare Krsna TV" on your Television / Mobile / Tablet / Laptop /PC: Get free spiritual counseling: 080 6911 33 44 Get Gita : Join kids Programs : Receive updates of Hare Krsna TV : WhatsApps: Hare Krsna TV established in 2016 Email: Disclaimer: ________________________________________________ Donate: Join Whatsapp & Telegram groups: Facebook : Twitter : ISKCON Desire Tree established in 2002 ISKCON Website :