कौन थे Balaram ? जानें भगवान श्री कृष्ण के बड़े भाई Balaram के बारे में सबकुछ | Balaram Jayanti 2022
कौन थे Balaram ? जानें भगवान श्री कृष्ण के बड़े भाई Balaram के बारे में सबकुछ | Balaram Jayanti 2022 🔖Subject: Who is Balarama? Know everything about him. 🎙️Speaker: Sanatana Dharma Prabhu Balarama was born in Gokul under the protection of Nanda Maharaja. Garga Muni the venerable kulguru (family priest) of the Yadu dynasty revealed to Rohini that the child she was carrying was indeed that of her husband Vasudeva. At the time of the name-giving ceremony he named the child Rama, one who gives all pleasures. Referring to the immense strength of the child, Garga Muni predicted that He will also be known as Balarama (bala means strength). To know more please watch "Sidhi Baat Prabhuji ke Sath" 🔹 Our guide HG Sanatana Dharma Das (NIT, Ex. Manager Tata Moters) who is a monk and teacher of Higher Vedic studies and Applied Sciences at ISKCON, A Youth Counselor and spiritual mentor.