Mega campaign against Cancer by ISKCON at Mallareddy university | 4th Nov 22 | HKTV NEWS #shorts
Cancer Awareness campaign by ISKCON for 40000 university students According to WHO, cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world and 70% of cancers are preventable. Approved by the education ministry of Telangana state, ISKCON Kukatpally is now running the biggest cancer awareness campaign in colleges across the state to prevent cancer at a young age. ISKCON organized a speech competition named "Kill the Cancer" at Mallareddy University Campus, JNTU in which about 40000 students from various engineering and pharmacy colleges participated. Mega Star of Telugu films Sri Chiranjeev distributed the prizes to the winners. When the programme commenced, Shri Chiranjeeva ji garlanded Srila Prabhupada and performed the aarti. In his 15 minute speech he glorified Srila Prabhupada and said that Srila Prabhupada has established ISKCON in order to guide and inspire the whole world. Shri Mallareddy ji equally praised the campaign being run by ISKCON. Senior devotees of ISKCON such as His Holiness Bhakti Vinod Swami, Dr. Sahadeva Prabhu, His Grace Yudhishthira Govind Prabhu, along with the President of ISKCON Kukatpally and the main organizer of the programme, His Grace Mahashring Prabhu were present. In the end, Gauramani Mataji inspired the youth with her electrifying kirtan followed by dinner Mahaprasadam for everyone Watch all HKTV News here: #harekrsnatvnews #harekrsnatv #shorts #iskcon #latestnews #news Like👍 | Comment👇 | Share👫 | Subscribe👈 ________________ Watch 24x7 free to air satellite television channel "Hare Krsna TV" on your Television / Mobile / Tablet / Laptop /PC: We need your continuing support to make “Hare Krsna TV” available in every home: Hare Krsna TV Offers following services: Get free spiritual counseling: 080 6911 33 44 Get Gita : Get Gita Course: Get Astro solution to your problems : Get Divya Narasimha Package : For Special Day Prayers: For Narasimha Prayers: To join WhatsApps & Telegram groups: Get Audio lectures on: Spiritual Bhakti Courses: Hare Krsna TV established in 2016 Email: Disclaimer: ________________ ISKCON Desire Tree established in 2002 ISKCON Website : Facebook : Twitter :